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34 Chinese women rescued from Cebu prostitution ring
CEBU CITY ? The National Bureau of Investigation in Central Visayas (NBI 7) rescued 34 female Chinese nationals from a prostitution ring operating in a bar that was being run by four of their compatriots in Lapu Lapu City.
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI-7) Regional Director Atty. Tomas Enrile and Assistant Regional Director Atty. Dominador Cimafranca present four female Chinese nationals , Zeng Dan, Quan Yiquing, Xiuzhu Wei and Xiushen Wei who nabbed by NBI agents after allegdly selling 34 female Chinese nationals for sex in a KTV bar in Lapu Lapu City.(Photo by: Juan Carlo de Vela) mbnewspictures / mbnewspix
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI-7) Regional Director Atty. Tomas Enrile and Assistant Regional Director Atty. Dominador Cimafranca presents four female Chinese nationals, Zeng Dan, Quan Yiquing, Xiuzhu Wei and Xiushen Wei who nabbed by NBI agents after allegedly selling 34 female Chinese nationals in a KTV bar in Lapu Lapu City. (JUAN CARLO DE VELA / MANILA BULLETIN)
According to NBI 7 Director Tomas Enrile, seven NBI agents posed as customers, on Monday, and were able to pay P35,000 for each of three Chinese ladies so that they could take them out.
This entrapment operation led to the arrest of Zeng Dan, Quan Yiqing, Xiuzhu Wei and Xiushen Wei who will be charged with violation of the Republic Act 9208 (Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003) in relation to RA 10364 or the “Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012”.

Then on the strength of a search warrant issued by Executive Judge Joseph Stephen Ygnacio of the Regional Trial Court Judge in Lapu-Lapu City, NBI 7 raided the bar and rescued the 34 female Chinese nationals.
In a press briefing Monday, Enrile also said customers were being charged for the use of an exclusive VIP room and another P7,500 for every entertainer.
Enrile added that investigation showed that the rescued women were recruited to work for an online gaming company, but ended up working as guest relations officers (GRO) when they arrived in Lapu-Lapu.
The rescued women, who came from different provinces in China, were turned over to the Chinese Consular Office.

Enrile said follow-up investigation will be conducted to find out if the four suspects have cohorts in their illegal activities.
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Female Chinese nationals face anti-trafficking charges

The four female Chinese nationals believed to be the managers of 34 women who were rescued in an operation conducted by NBI agents will be facing anti-trafficking charges. CDN Digital photo | Alven Marie A. Timtim
Cebu City, Philippines ? The National Bureau of Investigation Central Visayas Region Office (NBI-7) on Monday, August 5, 2019, filed anti-trafficking charges against four Chinese women who allegedly trafficked 34 fellow Chinese women in a KTV bar in Barangay Agus, Lapu-Lapu City.
The four women who were arrested were Zeng Dan, 28 years old; Quan Yiqing, 27 years old; Xiuzhu Wei, 45 years old; and Xiushen Wei, 44 years old.
They are believed to be the managers of the 34 women who were rescued in an operation conducted by NBI agents of Manila and Cebu on Friday evening, August 2, 2019, in a hotel compound that was reported for prostitution activity.
The rescued female Chinese nationals at the NBI-7 office. CDN Digital photo | Alven Marie A. Timtim
The four will be facing charges for violating the provisions of Republic Act 9208, known as Anti-trafficking of Persons Act, in relation to Republic Act 10364 or the Act Expanding RA 9208.
Four other female Chinese nationals, identified as Lingyuan Hunag, Xiabing Lin, Zhang Yue, and Li Ping, were also identified as mangers of the bar and will face the same charges but they remain at large as they weren’t in the area during the operation. The NBI-7 said it will continue to investigate the case to trace the four others at large.
The 34 women who were rescued were turned over to the Chinese Consular Office.
According to NBI 7 Regional Director Tomas Enrile, based on their investigation, the 34 women aged 25 to 30 years old were recruited to work for a Legal Online Gaming Operation (LOGO) in the Philippines. But upon entering the country, they were instead made to work as Guest Relations Officers (GRO) in the KTV bar, where they were tasked to serve and entertain costumers. /bmjo

중국 국적 여성, '반(反)밀매 혐의' 직면

NBI 요원들에 의해 수행된 작전으로 구조된 34명의 여성들의 매니저로 추정되는 4명의 중국인들은 밀수방지 혐의를 받게 될 것이다. CDN 디지털 사진 | 알벤 마리 A. 팀타임
필리핀 세부시 ? 2019년 8월 5일 월요일 중앙 비사야스 지방 조사국(NBI-7)은 라푸-라푸시 바라안게이 아구스의 KTV 바에서 34명의 중국 동료를 밀매한 혐의를 받고 있다.
체포된 4명의 여성은 28세의 쩡단, 27세의 콴이칭, 45세의 시즈후 웨이, 44세의 시우젠 웨이였다.
이들은 2019년 8월 2일 금요일 저녁 마닐라와 세부의 NBI 요원들이 성매매 신고를 받은 호텔 구내에서 벌인 작전으로 구조된 34명의 여성 관리인 것으로 추정된다.
NBI-7 사무실에서 구조된 중국 여성 국적자. CDN 디지털 사진 | 알벤 마리 A. 팀타임
이들 4명은 10364호 공화국법 또는 RA 9208 확대법과 관련해 인신매매방지법으로 알려진 공화국법 9208호의 규정을 위반한 혐의로 기소될 예정이다.
링위안후나그, 샤빙린, 장유, 리핑으로 알려진 다른 4명의 중국 여성 국적자들도 바의 관리인으로 확인되었고 같은 혐의를 받게 될 것이지만 그들은 작전 중에 그 지역에 있지 않았기 때문에 여전히 큰 피해를 입지 않고 있다. NBI-7은 나머지 4명을 추적하기 위해 이 사건을 계속 조사할 것이라고 말했다.
구조된 34명의 여성들은 중국 영사부로 넘겨졌다.
NBI 7 지역 담당 이사 토마스 엔릴에 따르면, 그들의 조사에 따르면, 25세에서 30세 사이의 34명의 여성들이 필리핀의 합법적인 온라인 게임 운영 (LOGO)에서 일하기 위해 채용되었다. 그러나 입국하자마자 이들은 KTV바에서 GRO(Guest Relationship Officer)로 일하도록 만들어졌고, 그곳에서 그들은 비용 지불과 접대 임무를 맡았다




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